An early game screen. It stayed pretty close to this. We changed some of the power-up icons for better recognition with users and increased the touch targets, as you can see in the marketing materials below.
I'm not sure why the marketing shots have everything off kilter, but this one shows the mid game scorecard.
Trivia Together was a competitive trivia game for iOS that started as weekend hack by Andy Burke when we were at Border Stylo and was eventually released to the public.
The game featured asynchronous turn taking and messaging, and featured three powerups that added a layer of complexity. Each powerup could only be used once per game, and cost a number of tokens to use, so players would have to manage their resources and wouldn't use powerups excessively. Tokens could be earned by answering questions correctly, winning games, or through in app purchase.
Scoring was variable, with the value of a correct answer decreasing over time. This was implemented to add a sense of urgency to each question and to keep players who had performed poorly in the beginning of the game invested through the end. Variable scoring also had the happy side effect of reducing the likelihood of ties.
I did the competitive analysis, defined the scope of the minimum viable product, worked on creating and balancing the power ups, and handled QA testing for this project.